St. John’s University
2022-Present AAQEP Digital Literacies Task Force Leader
2022-Present Department Tenure and Promotion Revision Committee, Research Subcommittee
2021-Present Advisory Committee on Campus Security
2021-Present School of Education Budget Committee
2021-Present School of Education Policy Committee
2020-Present Digital Learning and Design Master’s in Science development committee
2019-Present Graduate Council member
2018-Present Advisor, PhD students (approx. 42)
2018-Present Research Judge
2018-Present Evaluator, PhD Comprehensive Exams
2018-Present Evaluator, Master’s Comprehensive Exams, St. John’s University
2018-Present Member, Dissertation Award Committee, St. John’s University
2018-2019 Dissertation Committee Member, Kristin Anderson, "An Analysis of Second Graders’ Reading Motivation: Investigating Intrinsic and Social Factors,” Education Specialties, St. John’s University. (Defended March 1, 2019).
Arizona State University
2016-2017 Treasurer, Alpha Upsilon Alpha: International Reading Association Honor Society, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, Arizona State University
- Organized and implemented a mentorship program for first-generation college students; organized and implemented a series to prepare students for the job market
- Organized and implemented a conference for doctoral students and professors both in and out of the college to share their work and receive feedback, organized multiple events for doctoral students within the college
- Assigned manuscripts to reviewers, synthesized their reviews, communicated with the authors
- Helped to organized and publicize initiatives for graduate students to stay mentally and physically healthy
- Worked directly with mentees in college and also still in high school to help them transition and be successful in college.
International Community
2019-pres. Reviewer, Rutledge, Book Proposals
2019-pres. Reviewer, Learning, Media & Technology, Manuscripts
2018-pres. Reviewer, American Educational Research Association, Conference Proposals
2018-pres. Reviewer, Pedagogies: An International Journal, Manuscripts
2015-pres. Reviewer, Literacy Research Association, Conference Proposals
2015 Reviewer, Linguistics and Education, Manuscripts
2014 Reviewer, American Psychological Association, Conference Proposals
Professional Society Memberships
American Educational Research Association; Informal Learning SIG, Division G - Social Context of Education
International Literacy Association
Literacy Research Association
Honors, Awards, Certificates
2023 Divergent Publication Award for Excellence in Literacy in a Digital Age Research (awarded for Special Issue: Critical Literacies in a Digital Age, Pedagogies: An International Journal), Innovative for Literacy in a Digital Age
2021 St. Vincent DePaul Teacher Scholar Award (awarded by the dean for efforts and service to The School of Education and the Literacy Programs), The School of Education, St. John’s University
2020-2021 Faculty Recognition Award (awarded to select faculty members for outstanding work), The School of Education, St. John’s University
2019-2020 Faculty Recognition Award (awarded to select faculty members for outstanding work), The School of Education, St. John’s University
2016-2017 University Graduate Fellowship (awarded as additional support for doctoral studies), Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, Arizona State University
2016-2017 Travel Grant (awarded to select applicants for conference travel), Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, Arizona State University
2015-2016 Dr. Orville Lee and Helen Seeley Buchanan Scholarship (awarded to select applicant(s) to support excelling students), Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, Arizona State University
2015-2016 College of Education Scholarship (awarded as additional support for doctoral studies), Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, Arizona State University
2015-2016 Travel Grant (awarded to select applicants for conference travel), Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, Arizona State University
2014-2015 University Graduate Fellowship (awarded as additional support for doctoral studies), Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, Arizona State University
2013-2014 University Graduate Fellowship (awarded as additional support for doctoral studies), Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, Arizona State University
2013-2014 Travel Grant (awarded to select applicants for conference travel), Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, Arizona State University
2011 Arizona State Board of Education Certified in English
Certified to teach secondary English in the state of Arizona