Accepted/Published Journal Articles
Stewart, O.G. (2024). Multimodal composition through social media platforms: Alternative authoring paths for meaning making. Language and Literacy.
Stewart, O.G., (2024). Understanding What Works in Humanizing Higher Education Online Courses: Connecting through Videos, Feedback, Multimodal Assignments, and Social Media. Issues and Trends in Learning Technologies.
Stewart, O.G. (2023). Negotiating “What Counts” in Multimodal Writing in the Classroom: A High School English Teacher’s Perspective. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.
Midgette, E., Stewart, O.G., González, J. (2023). Teaching with multimodal texts through a critical literacy lens within an English as a Foreign Language classroom context. Anglistics and Americanistics, (20), 101-109.
Stewart, O.G. (2023). Using Digital Media in the Classroom as Writing Platforms for Multimodal Authoring, Publishing, and Reflecting. Computers and Composition: An International Journal, (67).
Stewart, O.G., Hseih, B., Smith, A., & Pandya, J. (2021). What more can we do? Examining critical digital literacies in teacher education across scales. Pedagogies: An International Journal (special issue) 16(2), 125-137.
Ortlieb, E., McDowell, A., Stewart O.G., Preschern, J., & Carhart, D. (2020). Towards a model for cultivating online learning communities. Journal of College Academic Support Programs, 3(1), 21-30.
Anderson, K. T., Stewart, O. G., & Kachorsky, D. (2017). Seeing academically marginalized students’ multimodal designs from a position of strength. Written Communication, 34(2), 104–134. DOI: 10.1177/0741088317699897
Stewart, O.G. (2016). A critical review of the literature of social media’s affordances in the classroom. E-Learning and Digital Media, 12(5–6), 481–501. DOI: 10.1177/2042753016672895
Stewart, O.G., & Jordan, M. (2016). “Some explanation here”: Learning opportunities and tensions in an informal science learning environment. Instructional Science. DOI: 10.1007/s11251-016-9396-7
Anderson, K. T., Stewart, O.G., & Aziz, M. (2016). Writing ourselves in: Researcher reflexivity in ethnographic and multimodal methods for understanding what counts, to whom, and how we know. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 47(4), 385–401. DOI: 10.1111/aeq.12167
Zuiker, S., Anderson, K. T., Jordan, M., & Stewart, O.G. (2016). More than the sum of its parts: Understanding peer group interactional dynamics from a complex, situated perspective. Learning, Culture, and Social Interaction, (9), 80-94.
Book Chapters
Midgette, E., Stewart, O., González, J. (2022). Teaching with multimodal texts through a critical literacy lens: Practical recommendations for teachers of English as a Foreign Language. In Anisimova, A.I. (Editor). Proceedings of the 9th all-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference "Actual Problems of Philological Science and Pedagogical Practice" (pp. 135-139). The Department of Science of Education and Science of Ukraine, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University ISBN 978-966-981-682-5.
Stewart, O.G., Scharber, C., Share, J., & Crampton, A., (2021). Critical Media Production. In Zacher Pandya, J., Mora, R.A., Alford, J., Golden, N.A., Santiago de Roock, R. (Eds.) The Handbook of Critical Literacies (pp. 105-115).
Aguilera, E. Stewart, O.G., Mawasi, A., Pérez Cortés, L. (2020). Seeing beyond the screen: A multidimensional framework for understanding digital-age literacies. In Sullivan, P. M., Lantz, J. J. Sullivan, B., & Tomei, L. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Integrating Digital Technology with Literacy Pedagogies. (pp. 1-31). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-0246-4.ch001
Kachorsky, D., Goff, M., Talarico, L., Stewart, O.G., Hoelting, M., Tran, K., Lee, K., & Elwood, K. (2017). Epilogue: Standing on the shoulders of giants: Doctoral students consider the future of multiliteracies research and pedagogy. In F. Serafini and E. Gee (Eds.), Remixing Multiliteracies: Theory and Practice from New London to New Times (Language and Literacy Series). New York: Teachers College Press. ISBN-13: 978-0807758649
Invited Publications
Aguilera, E., Stewart, O.G., Tran, K.M., and Kachorsky, D. (2017, July 11). Beyond the “Fakebook” profile: Purposeful approaches to media in the classroom. [blog post] Available:
Articles/Chapters Under Review
Stewart, O.G., Scharber, C., Share, J., & Crampton, A., (under proof). Critical Media Production. In Zacher Pandya, J., Mora, R.A., Alford, J., Golden, N.A., Santiago de Roock, R. (Eds.) The Handbook of Critical Literacies.
Stewart, O.G., Hseih, B., Pandya, J., & Smith, A. (under 2nd review). What More Can We Do?: Examining Critical Digital Literacies in Teacher Education across Scales. Submitted to Pedagogies: An International Journal (special issue).
Stewart, O.G. (under review). Multimodal composition through social media platforms: Alternative authoring paths for meaning making. Submitted to Discourse Process.
Stewart, O.G. (under review). What Counts as Writing in a Digital-Age Classroom from a Teacher’s perspective. Submitted to American Educational Research Journal.
Articles in Progress
Stewart, O.G., (in progress). Bringing criticality into teacher preparation courses. To be submitted to Cognition and Instruction.
Stewart, O.G., & Midgette, E. (in progress) Students’ perceptions of humanizing online courses to improve equity. To be submitted to TBD.
Stewart, O.G., & Midgette, E., August, I. (in progress) Understanding Multimodal Assessment Practices in Higher Education to Improve Equity. To be submitted to Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET).
Stewart, O.G., Midgette, E., & González, J. (in progress) Using multimodal texts as critical projects in a Global Online Learning Exchange. To be submitted to TBD.
Stewart, O.G., Gill, A. (in progress). Critical Digital Literacies in a Post-Covid World. To be submitted to TBD.
Hawke, J. & Stewart, O.G., (in progress). Secondary Teacher Efficacy of Culturally Responsive Teaching: What We Can Learn from 2020. To be submitted to Teaching and Teacher Education.
Stewart, O.G. (in progress). How students orient to what counts as writing in a classroom. To be submitted to TBD.
Stewart, O.G. (in progress). Behind the scenes: Analyzing undergraduate students’ use of Instagram to document digital portfolios. To be submitted to TBD.
Conference Presentations
Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations
Stewart, O.G., & Midgette, E., August, I. (April 2024). “Understanding Multimodal Assessment Practices in Higher Education to Improve Equity.” American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA
Gill, A. & Stewart, O.G. (April 2024). The Instructional Implications of a Critical Media Literacy Framework and Podcasts in a Social Justice Classroom. Paper part of the Symposium “How Critical Literacies are Changing in a Post-Pandemic World”. American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA
Midgette, E., Stewart, O.G., & González, J. (November 2023). Applying Criticality to Reading, Creating and Re-creating Multimodal Texts in an English as a New Language Classroom. Literacy Research Association, Atlanta, GA.
Stewart, O.G., & DeMeo-Cook, K. (April 2023). Doctoral Students’ Perceptions on Mixed Methods Research: Value, Rigor, and Feasibility. American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Midgette, E., Stewart, O.G., & González, J. (March 2023). Supporting Students’ Global Perspectives through the Critical Analysis of Multimodal Texts. New York State Association for Bilingual Education Conference. Long Island, NY.
Midgette, E., Stewart, O.G., & González, J. (November 2022). Teaching with multimodal texts through a critical literacy lens: Practical recommendations for teachers of English as a Foreign Language. IX All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference hosted by Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Ukraine.
Stewart, O.G. (October, 2022). The Importance of Opening Spaces for Critical Digital Literacies in Higher Education Courses. Critical Questions in Education, Denver, CO
Stewart, O.G. (April, 2022). Teaching Critical Digital Literacy in Pre-Service Education Courses. Paper part of the Symposium “The Continuing and Renewed Urgency of Critical Digital Literacies: Ethical and Political Considerations on Research and Practice”. American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA
Stewart, O.G. (December, 2021). Critical Digital Literacies in the Classroom. Literacy Research Association, Atlanta, GA.
Stewart, O.G., & Aguilera, E. (April, 2020). A Dual-Examination of Humanizing Online Courses. American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA. (canceled)
Stewart, O.G. (December, 2019). Humanizing Online Courses. Literacy Research Association, Tampa, FL.
Stewart, O.G. (December, 2019). Pedagogical Implications for Digital and Social Media for Classroom Writing. Literacy Research Association, Tampa, FL.
Stewart, O.G. (December, 2019). Multimodal Composition as Alternative Authoring Paths for Meaning Making. Literacy Research Association, Tampa, FL.
Stewart, O.G. (June, 2019). Humanizing Online Courses for Motivation. Featured Presentation at St. John’s Teaching Narratives Symposium, Queens, NY.
Smith, A., Stewart, O.G., & Pandya, J. (April, 2019). Critical Digital Literacy Pedagogies: Challenges and Possibilities. Paper a part of the American Educational Research Association Working Group Roundtable Critical Digital Literacies in a “Post-Truth” Era, Toronto, Canada.
Aguilera, E., Stewart, O.G., Mawasi, A., & Perez Cortez, L. (December, 2018). Expanding Analytical Perspectives on Digital-Age Literacies. Literacy Research Association, Indian Wells, CA.
Stewart, O.G. (December, 2017). The changing nature of literacies in modern classrooms: What counts as writing? Literacy Research Association, Tampa, FL.
Stewart, O.G. (December, 2017). Students’ representation of self as writers across three social media platforms. Literacy Research Association, Tampa, FL.
Aguilera, E., Stewart, O.G., Tran, K., and Kachorsky, D. (July, 2017). Beyond the "Fakebook" profile: Engaged and purposeful literacy instruction using alternative media. Panel discussion. International Literacy Association, Orlando, FL.
Stewart, O.G. (April, 2017). Behind the scenes: Analyzing undergraduate students’ use of Instagram to document digital portfolios. American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX.
Stewart, O.G. (January, 2017) High school students’ representations of themselves as writers across multiple social media platforms. Spring 2017 3rd Annual Teachers College Graduate Student Organization Research Conference, Tempe, AZ.
Stewart, O.G. (January, 2017). A Comparative Analysis of Students’ use of Social Media Platforms to Represent Themselves as Writers. Spring 2017 3rd Annual Teachers College Graduate Student Organization Research Conference, Tempe, AZ.
Stewart, O.G., & Jordan, M. (November, 2016). A young woman’s deference to male peers in a collaborative, STEM informal learning environment. Literacy Research Association, Nashville, TN.
Jordan, M., Anderson, K. T., Stewart, O.G., & Zuiker, S. (April, 2016). More than the sum of its parts: Understanding peer group interactional dynamics from a complex, situated perspective. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association, Washington, D.C.
Stewart, O.G. (January, 2016). An analysis of students’ literacy practices through a multimodal social media application. Spring 2016 2nd Annual Teachers College Graduate Student Organization Research Conference, Tempe, AZ.
Anderson, K.T., Stewart, O.G., & Kachorsky, D. (December, 2015). Seeing academically marginalized students’ multimodal authoring from a position of strength. Literacy Research Association, Carlsbad, CA.
Stewart, O.G. (December, 2015). Classroom technology and sharing practices on Pinterest. Literacy Research Association, Carlsbad, CA.
Stewart, O.G., Jordan, M. (April, 2015). An analysis of learning opportunities in informal learning environments through case study. Spring 2015 Doctoral Research Forum, Tempe, AZ.
Stewart, O.G. (January, 2015). An analysis of learning opportunities in informal learning environments through case study. Spring 2015 1st Annual Teachers College Graduate Student Organization Research Conference, Tempe, AZ.
Anderson, K. T., & Stewart, O.G., (May, 2014). Systems, selves and positioning: Illuminating ideological tensions for marginalized youth. 10th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana, IL.
Additional Conference Participation
Nov 2023 Session Discussant, “Writing In and About Digital Spaces” Literacy Research Association, Atlanta, GA
Nov 2023 Session Chair, “Attending to Youths' Agency, Voice, Ethnic and Linguistic Identities in a Post-Pandemic World,” Literacy Research Association, Atlanta, GA
Nov 2023 Study Group Leader, “State Policy and Politics,” Policy and Politics Study Group, Literacy Research Association, Atlanta, GA
April 2023 Session Discussant, “Social Justice Implications in Mixed-Methods Research” American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
April 2023 Session Chair, “Critical Adolescent Writing and Literacies”, American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Nov 2021 Session Discussant, “Critical Approaches to Media: Analysis and Activism” Literacy Research Association, Atlanta, GA
Nov 2021 Session Discussant, “Exploring dialogue and Interaction in Language Instruction” Literacy Research Association, Atlanta, GA
Nov 2019 Session Discussant, “Parents, Video Games, and Post-Truth: Hot Topics in Literacy and Technology”Literacy Research Association, Tampa, FL.
Nov 2019 Session Chair, “Parents, Video Games, and Post-Truth: Hot Topics in Literacy and Technology” Literacy Research Association, Tampa, FL.
Conference Proposals Under Review
Stewart, O.G. (2024). Multimodal composition through social media platforms: Alternative authoring paths for meaning making. Language and Literacy.
Stewart, O.G., (2024). Understanding What Works in Humanizing Higher Education Online Courses: Connecting through Videos, Feedback, Multimodal Assignments, and Social Media. Issues and Trends in Learning Technologies.
Stewart, O.G. (2023). Negotiating “What Counts” in Multimodal Writing in the Classroom: A High School English Teacher’s Perspective. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.
Midgette, E., Stewart, O.G., González, J. (2023). Teaching with multimodal texts through a critical literacy lens within an English as a Foreign Language classroom context. Anglistics and Americanistics, (20), 101-109.
Stewart, O.G. (2023). Using Digital Media in the Classroom as Writing Platforms for Multimodal Authoring, Publishing, and Reflecting. Computers and Composition: An International Journal, (67).
Stewart, O.G., Hseih, B., Smith, A., & Pandya, J. (2021). What more can we do? Examining critical digital literacies in teacher education across scales. Pedagogies: An International Journal (special issue) 16(2), 125-137.
Ortlieb, E., McDowell, A., Stewart O.G., Preschern, J., & Carhart, D. (2020). Towards a model for cultivating online learning communities. Journal of College Academic Support Programs, 3(1), 21-30.
Anderson, K. T., Stewart, O. G., & Kachorsky, D. (2017). Seeing academically marginalized students’ multimodal designs from a position of strength. Written Communication, 34(2), 104–134. DOI: 10.1177/0741088317699897
Stewart, O.G. (2016). A critical review of the literature of social media’s affordances in the classroom. E-Learning and Digital Media, 12(5–6), 481–501. DOI: 10.1177/2042753016672895
Stewart, O.G., & Jordan, M. (2016). “Some explanation here”: Learning opportunities and tensions in an informal science learning environment. Instructional Science. DOI: 10.1007/s11251-016-9396-7
Anderson, K. T., Stewart, O.G., & Aziz, M. (2016). Writing ourselves in: Researcher reflexivity in ethnographic and multimodal methods for understanding what counts, to whom, and how we know. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 47(4), 385–401. DOI: 10.1111/aeq.12167
Zuiker, S., Anderson, K. T., Jordan, M., & Stewart, O.G. (2016). More than the sum of its parts: Understanding peer group interactional dynamics from a complex, situated perspective. Learning, Culture, and Social Interaction, (9), 80-94.
Book Chapters
Midgette, E., Stewart, O., González, J. (2022). Teaching with multimodal texts through a critical literacy lens: Practical recommendations for teachers of English as a Foreign Language. In Anisimova, A.I. (Editor). Proceedings of the 9th all-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference "Actual Problems of Philological Science and Pedagogical Practice" (pp. 135-139). The Department of Science of Education and Science of Ukraine, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University ISBN 978-966-981-682-5.
Stewart, O.G., Scharber, C., Share, J., & Crampton, A., (2021). Critical Media Production. In Zacher Pandya, J., Mora, R.A., Alford, J., Golden, N.A., Santiago de Roock, R. (Eds.) The Handbook of Critical Literacies (pp. 105-115).
Aguilera, E. Stewart, O.G., Mawasi, A., Pérez Cortés, L. (2020). Seeing beyond the screen: A multidimensional framework for understanding digital-age literacies. In Sullivan, P. M., Lantz, J. J. Sullivan, B., & Tomei, L. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Integrating Digital Technology with Literacy Pedagogies. (pp. 1-31). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-0246-4.ch001
Kachorsky, D., Goff, M., Talarico, L., Stewart, O.G., Hoelting, M., Tran, K., Lee, K., & Elwood, K. (2017). Epilogue: Standing on the shoulders of giants: Doctoral students consider the future of multiliteracies research and pedagogy. In F. Serafini and E. Gee (Eds.), Remixing Multiliteracies: Theory and Practice from New London to New Times (Language and Literacy Series). New York: Teachers College Press. ISBN-13: 978-0807758649
Invited Publications
Aguilera, E., Stewart, O.G., Tran, K.M., and Kachorsky, D. (2017, July 11). Beyond the “Fakebook” profile: Purposeful approaches to media in the classroom. [blog post] Available:
Articles/Chapters Under Review
Stewart, O.G., Scharber, C., Share, J., & Crampton, A., (under proof). Critical Media Production. In Zacher Pandya, J., Mora, R.A., Alford, J., Golden, N.A., Santiago de Roock, R. (Eds.) The Handbook of Critical Literacies.
Stewart, O.G., Hseih, B., Pandya, J., & Smith, A. (under 2nd review). What More Can We Do?: Examining Critical Digital Literacies in Teacher Education across Scales. Submitted to Pedagogies: An International Journal (special issue).
Stewart, O.G. (under review). Multimodal composition through social media platforms: Alternative authoring paths for meaning making. Submitted to Discourse Process.
Stewart, O.G. (under review). What Counts as Writing in a Digital-Age Classroom from a Teacher’s perspective. Submitted to American Educational Research Journal.
Articles in Progress
Stewart, O.G., (in progress). Bringing criticality into teacher preparation courses. To be submitted to Cognition and Instruction.
Stewart, O.G., & Midgette, E. (in progress) Students’ perceptions of humanizing online courses to improve equity. To be submitted to TBD.
Stewart, O.G., & Midgette, E., August, I. (in progress) Understanding Multimodal Assessment Practices in Higher Education to Improve Equity. To be submitted to Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (AJET).
Stewart, O.G., Midgette, E., & González, J. (in progress) Using multimodal texts as critical projects in a Global Online Learning Exchange. To be submitted to TBD.
Stewart, O.G., Gill, A. (in progress). Critical Digital Literacies in a Post-Covid World. To be submitted to TBD.
Hawke, J. & Stewart, O.G., (in progress). Secondary Teacher Efficacy of Culturally Responsive Teaching: What We Can Learn from 2020. To be submitted to Teaching and Teacher Education.
Stewart, O.G. (in progress). How students orient to what counts as writing in a classroom. To be submitted to TBD.
Stewart, O.G. (in progress). Behind the scenes: Analyzing undergraduate students’ use of Instagram to document digital portfolios. To be submitted to TBD.
Conference Presentations
Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations
Stewart, O.G., & Midgette, E., August, I. (April 2024). “Understanding Multimodal Assessment Practices in Higher Education to Improve Equity.” American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA
Gill, A. & Stewart, O.G. (April 2024). The Instructional Implications of a Critical Media Literacy Framework and Podcasts in a Social Justice Classroom. Paper part of the Symposium “How Critical Literacies are Changing in a Post-Pandemic World”. American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA
Midgette, E., Stewart, O.G., & González, J. (November 2023). Applying Criticality to Reading, Creating and Re-creating Multimodal Texts in an English as a New Language Classroom. Literacy Research Association, Atlanta, GA.
Stewart, O.G., & DeMeo-Cook, K. (April 2023). Doctoral Students’ Perceptions on Mixed Methods Research: Value, Rigor, and Feasibility. American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Midgette, E., Stewart, O.G., & González, J. (March 2023). Supporting Students’ Global Perspectives through the Critical Analysis of Multimodal Texts. New York State Association for Bilingual Education Conference. Long Island, NY.
Midgette, E., Stewart, O.G., & González, J. (November 2022). Teaching with multimodal texts through a critical literacy lens: Practical recommendations for teachers of English as a Foreign Language. IX All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference hosted by Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Ukraine.
Stewart, O.G. (October, 2022). The Importance of Opening Spaces for Critical Digital Literacies in Higher Education Courses. Critical Questions in Education, Denver, CO
Stewart, O.G. (April, 2022). Teaching Critical Digital Literacy in Pre-Service Education Courses. Paper part of the Symposium “The Continuing and Renewed Urgency of Critical Digital Literacies: Ethical and Political Considerations on Research and Practice”. American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA
Stewart, O.G. (December, 2021). Critical Digital Literacies in the Classroom. Literacy Research Association, Atlanta, GA.
Stewart, O.G., & Aguilera, E. (April, 2020). A Dual-Examination of Humanizing Online Courses. American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA. (canceled)
Stewart, O.G. (December, 2019). Humanizing Online Courses. Literacy Research Association, Tampa, FL.
Stewart, O.G. (December, 2019). Pedagogical Implications for Digital and Social Media for Classroom Writing. Literacy Research Association, Tampa, FL.
Stewart, O.G. (December, 2019). Multimodal Composition as Alternative Authoring Paths for Meaning Making. Literacy Research Association, Tampa, FL.
Stewart, O.G. (June, 2019). Humanizing Online Courses for Motivation. Featured Presentation at St. John’s Teaching Narratives Symposium, Queens, NY.
Smith, A., Stewart, O.G., & Pandya, J. (April, 2019). Critical Digital Literacy Pedagogies: Challenges and Possibilities. Paper a part of the American Educational Research Association Working Group Roundtable Critical Digital Literacies in a “Post-Truth” Era, Toronto, Canada.
Aguilera, E., Stewart, O.G., Mawasi, A., & Perez Cortez, L. (December, 2018). Expanding Analytical Perspectives on Digital-Age Literacies. Literacy Research Association, Indian Wells, CA.
Stewart, O.G. (December, 2017). The changing nature of literacies in modern classrooms: What counts as writing? Literacy Research Association, Tampa, FL.
Stewart, O.G. (December, 2017). Students’ representation of self as writers across three social media platforms. Literacy Research Association, Tampa, FL.
Aguilera, E., Stewart, O.G., Tran, K., and Kachorsky, D. (July, 2017). Beyond the "Fakebook" profile: Engaged and purposeful literacy instruction using alternative media. Panel discussion. International Literacy Association, Orlando, FL.
Stewart, O.G. (April, 2017). Behind the scenes: Analyzing undergraduate students’ use of Instagram to document digital portfolios. American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX.
Stewart, O.G. (January, 2017) High school students’ representations of themselves as writers across multiple social media platforms. Spring 2017 3rd Annual Teachers College Graduate Student Organization Research Conference, Tempe, AZ.
Stewart, O.G. (January, 2017). A Comparative Analysis of Students’ use of Social Media Platforms to Represent Themselves as Writers. Spring 2017 3rd Annual Teachers College Graduate Student Organization Research Conference, Tempe, AZ.
Stewart, O.G., & Jordan, M. (November, 2016). A young woman’s deference to male peers in a collaborative, STEM informal learning environment. Literacy Research Association, Nashville, TN.
Jordan, M., Anderson, K. T., Stewart, O.G., & Zuiker, S. (April, 2016). More than the sum of its parts: Understanding peer group interactional dynamics from a complex, situated perspective. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association, Washington, D.C.
Stewart, O.G. (January, 2016). An analysis of students’ literacy practices through a multimodal social media application. Spring 2016 2nd Annual Teachers College Graduate Student Organization Research Conference, Tempe, AZ.
Anderson, K.T., Stewart, O.G., & Kachorsky, D. (December, 2015). Seeing academically marginalized students’ multimodal authoring from a position of strength. Literacy Research Association, Carlsbad, CA.
Stewart, O.G. (December, 2015). Classroom technology and sharing practices on Pinterest. Literacy Research Association, Carlsbad, CA.
Stewart, O.G., Jordan, M. (April, 2015). An analysis of learning opportunities in informal learning environments through case study. Spring 2015 Doctoral Research Forum, Tempe, AZ.
Stewart, O.G. (January, 2015). An analysis of learning opportunities in informal learning environments through case study. Spring 2015 1st Annual Teachers College Graduate Student Organization Research Conference, Tempe, AZ.
Anderson, K. T., & Stewart, O.G., (May, 2014). Systems, selves and positioning: Illuminating ideological tensions for marginalized youth. 10th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana, IL.
Additional Conference Participation
Nov 2023 Session Discussant, “Writing In and About Digital Spaces” Literacy Research Association, Atlanta, GA
Nov 2023 Session Chair, “Attending to Youths' Agency, Voice, Ethnic and Linguistic Identities in a Post-Pandemic World,” Literacy Research Association, Atlanta, GA
Nov 2023 Study Group Leader, “State Policy and Politics,” Policy and Politics Study Group, Literacy Research Association, Atlanta, GA
April 2023 Session Discussant, “Social Justice Implications in Mixed-Methods Research” American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
April 2023 Session Chair, “Critical Adolescent Writing and Literacies”, American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Nov 2021 Session Discussant, “Critical Approaches to Media: Analysis and Activism” Literacy Research Association, Atlanta, GA
Nov 2021 Session Discussant, “Exploring dialogue and Interaction in Language Instruction” Literacy Research Association, Atlanta, GA
Nov 2019 Session Discussant, “Parents, Video Games, and Post-Truth: Hot Topics in Literacy and Technology”Literacy Research Association, Tampa, FL.
Nov 2019 Session Chair, “Parents, Video Games, and Post-Truth: Hot Topics in Literacy and Technology” Literacy Research Association, Tampa, FL.
Conference Proposals Under Review
Areas of Research Specialization
- Educational use of Digital Technology and Social Media
- Critical Digital Literacies
- Critical Media Production
- Digital Communication, Writing, and Literacy Practices
- Multiliteracies and Multimodality
- Qualitative and Mixed Research Methods
- Informal and Digital Learning Environments
- Humanizing Online Courses